Procedure Changes Effective 04/09/2012 (posted 04/06/2012)
Effective Monday, April 9, 2012, sale motions will no longer be self scheduled.
New procedures effective April 9, 2012:
Revised Filing Instructions: On Monday, the court will post the following revised filing instructions which can be found here. If visiting the website they can be located from our Home page by clicking the CM/ECF link located in the burgundy bar and then clicking on the Filing button on the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing page.
1. Reaffirmation Agreements
2. Turnover of Property - Revised Guide to Docket Events and Noticing Procedures: On Monday, the court will post a revised guide that can be used as a quick desk reference for filing pleadings. It is also located on our Home page.
In November 2011 the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania implemented several procedure changes and revised filing instructions for e-filers. As the court continues to review its current procedures and ECF events, new procedures and revised filing instructions for e-filers will be announced in advance of implementation. Depending on the topic matter, the court may seek feedback from e-filers prior to implementation. E-filers are encouraged to visit the court’s website to stay informed of the changes.
Should you have any questions regarding any of the new procedures or new functionality in CM/ECF you can contact us by e-mail at pambecf_helpdesk [at] (subject: New%20Procedures%20or%20New%20Functionality%20in%20CM%2FECF) or by telephone at 717-901-2812 (Harrisburg) or 570-831-2530 (Wilkes-Barre).