Expedited Hearing and Emergency Motions

Rev. 05/10/19

A motion for expedited hearing or an emergency motion is filed whenever movants, in order to avoid irreparable harm, need the requested relief in less time than is normally required by the Court to receive and consider a response. This motion must specify the reason(s) why expedited consideration is necessary and the motion for which you are seeking expedited consideration must be attached as an Exhibit. You should contact chambers prior to filing and all interested parties must be notified of the request by facsimile, e-mail, or other electronic means prior to the filing of the request for expedited hearing. The caption of the motion must state “Emergency Motion” or “Request for Expedited Consideration”.

This filing should be accompanied by the Motion and a Proposed Order.  When required by Local Bankruptcy Rule 9013-3, a Certificate of Service must also be filed.

For order format, please see Proposed Orders

If a shortened deadline is also requested – see procedures for Motion to Shorten Time.

Codes, Rules and Forms:

Bankruptcy Code:


Bankruptcy Rule:


Local Rule:


Local  Form:


CM/ECF Event(s):
            Motions/Applications, Expedited Consideration
            Motions/Applications, Expedited Hearing

I.     Noticing:

       A.       Type:                NONE

       B.       Who Serves:    Movant should contact chambers prior to filing and must notify all interested parties by facsimile, e-mail, or other electronic means.
                                         The motion for which you are seeking expedited consideration must be attached as an Exhibit.

       C.       Service:           D, DA, T and/or UST, L20, COMM, P


II.    Once the Order is granted:

       A.      The Courtroom Deputy will make the expedited hearing date available through CHS (self-scheduling) so the underlying motion that was attached
                 as an Exhibit can be filed.

        B.     Using the proper motion event in CM/ECF, the Movant will file and serve the Motion and Notice of Motion and provide a Certificate of Service evidencing