Audio Request

Audio File Request for a Hearing Before a Judge

Audio files are provided at a cost of $34.00 per hearing. Requests will be processed upon receipt of payment. The easiest/fastest way to pay is to use the online payment system. Alternatively, checks/money orders must be payable to "Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court." by mail or in person at either courthouse location..

U.S. Bankruptcy Court U.S. Bankruptcy Court
1501 N. 6th Street 197 S. Main St.
Harrisburg, PA 17102 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701

Court staff will make the audio file available via an email link.

NOTE: If you are a CM/ECF filer, you must make the request under the Bankruptcy/Adversary menu, pick the Miscellaneous option and choose Request for Audio Recording.

Submit an Audio File Request